wexford20141. When did you start driving (what age) and what did you first drive (elaborate)?

I was about ten years old when I started driving a Ford Serria driving around fields.


2. How did you get involved in Motorsport?

I got involved in Motorsport though marshaling for my local motorclub and steadily moved up along to running stages for rallies and organizing events when the bug bit and I started hillclimbing in a Vee.

3. What is your daily driver and what is your competition car for the weekend?

My day to day car is an Audi A4 tdi and my competition car was a Delta T81.

4. What is your occupation?

I am a Machine operator with Marine Specialists working offshore.

5. What is your highest achievement to date in Motorsport?

I won Class 7 in the Hillclimb championship two years in a row.

6. What is your favourite thing about Hillclimbing?

That’s a hard one. It would have to be the Hillclimb family, we can all have the craic before the visor goes down and then it is all very competitive to be the quickest, but when you get out of the car you get straigth back into craic mode! Another thing that stands out is that when you have a problem with your car everyone helps you get going and if all else fails, someone will offer you a car to get you out for the day.

7. What car would you most like to drive on a hill?

It have to be Ari Vatainen’s car Peugeot 405 T16 (he did Pikes Peak back in 1990) – that would be some craic going up Knockalla.

8. Who is your Motorsport idol?

Colin McRae, Michael Schumacher.

9. What are your hobbies outside of Hillclimbing?

Golf, Poker.

10. If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you need to bring with you?

Phone ,Fags and…… removed (Sorry Brendan, we can’t publish that kind of stuff!!)

Finally, is there anyone you want to thank (Marshals, Sponsors, etc.)?

As I have temporally hung up my racing boots, I am spending more time organising events. So from an organisers point of view, I would like to thank all the people that put so much time and effort into planning events all over the country for us to compete in. I would also like to thank the Marshals, the people that stand on the ditches in the rain, hail or shine for hours on end for our safety – without them we wouldn’t have events to go to. My wife for putting up with me when I was competing and stopping me from throwing a match to the car during more difficult times with it!