Imokilly Motor Club are delighted to announce their plans for the revival of the famous SWEEP HILLCLIMB in Dungarvan on JUNE 14th are at an advanced stage. After a number of years with this hill not running, Imokilly Motor Club members with the help of the Motorsport Irelands Hillclimb Committee set about getting this event back up and running as a non championship one day event this year. The hopes are to get this event back on the championship calendar next year.
The Sweep has a long history of motorsport in the Dungarvan area and is known the length and breadth of Ireland. It has been competed on for almost 100 years and with its two hairpin bends and fast sections is a great test of man and machine.
This year’s event will see Emmet Cronin take control as Clerk of the Course for Imokilly Motor Club. Emmet is delighted to welcome Pat & Jason Ryan Motors Youghal on board as event sponsors, adding that sponsors are very important for the future of motorsport and it’s great to see a competitor putting something back into the sport.
Emmet added that there will be a practice run and 4 timed runs on this 2.2Km course on the day. There will be a huge incentive for rally cars on the event with a prize of a free entry in the Great Stuff Caterers Imokilly Mini Stages Rally also based in Dungarvan to be raffled amongst all rally entrants. A lot of planning has already gone into the event and regulations and entry forms will be available shortly. An entry fee of just €100 will make this a cheap days motorsport for anyone with nothing to do on June 14th.
Regs and Entry Form available on the Imokilly Motor Club website and facebook page.