Introduction to amendments to Championship Classes & Definitions, as will be published in 2017 MI Yearbook

Please also read the accompanying document, which shows the 2017 definitions and classes, lists recent competitors by class and giving examples of cars covered under each definition.

Part I – Rewording of Definitions and Classes (Appendix 81, 3)

The 2017 yearbook will show rewording and some changes to Hillclimb Class structure and definitions. In advance of it’s publication, the Hillclimb & Sprint Committee would like to take the opportunity to introduce these rules to you.

The goal of the rewording is to achieve clarity for both competitors and officials. As the cars we have competing are continually evolving, we now see silhouette cars and sportscars on Irish Hills, for example. It is necessary to extend our definitions to more thoroughly include these cars, in order to then clarify where these cars are placed in our class structure.

Over recent years some of the classes have been tweaked however our discipline has been working with few or limited definitions. We have reworded the classes to fit the extended definitions. Although the wording of all the classes have changed, you will see from our accompanying lists that the same basic structure is present, meaning that competitors remain in the same class as before, unless they are affected by one of the intentional class changes, (ie to the Rally class structure). We will outline these changes in Part II.

There has been a change of wording to class 1A and 2, with modified saloons being worded in these. This, however, does not change the cars which have historically competed in these classes, as illustrated in our accompanying document. This wording change is a result of definitions not having being clear in the past. Now that the definitions are clear, this wording is required in the class structure.


Part II – List of changes to Championship Classes (Appendix 81, 3.1)

As we are all aware, Irish Hillclimb & Sprint does not have a class for each type of car, with the various cc breaks. As a result, most classes are a blend of different types of cars. The size of our discipline means that we cannot justify having a separate class for each type and cc of car, so we restricted to having a class structure that blends them all as best we can, while considering the many factors involved.

CC breaks

You will note that cc caps that were 2050cc have been move to 2100cc, in line with the cc break in other disciplines of Irish motorsport. This has been applied throughout the classes.

NEW Class 3C – Sportscar Class

With more extreme sportscars and silhouette cars becoming more popular on hills, we found we needed to create a new class for them. This had the beneficial knock-on effect of allowing us to limit some of the more purpose built machinery that could have potentially been entered into old 3B. Some competitors have commented over the years that old class 3B was somewhat of a ‘dumping ground’ for extreme exotic machinery. The new sportscar class allows 3b to be more saloon focussed. 3B will now be home to extremely modified or powerful saloons alongside cc limited silhouette cars (to 2100cc) and front engine sportscars (limited to 2100cc). The new class 3C will be home to cars such as rear engine sports cars up to 2100cc (eg Radical/Norma up to 2100cc), front engine sportscars over 2100cc (eg Westfield over 2100cc), Silhouette cars over 2100cc (eg RT/mini-falcon over 2100cc).


Most cars competing in Class 4 Historics will already have documentation to confirm their compliance with HRCA regulations. Should any drivers required written confirmation of their compliance, HRCA Representative Liam Ruth has kindly offered that he can be contacted on 087 6175193 to obtain confirmation.

Class names for PR

While regular Hillclimbers know which cars are within a particular class simply by the number ‘Class 3B’, using these references for media coverage outside of immediate Hillclimb circles does not carry significance. For example, a Race competitor is unlikely to know what is eligible for Class 6 in Hillclimbs. We have added some nick names for the classes, which we will be using for PR. We will continue to use the Class numbers also. In the future, we hope it will convey more when you tell a Rally or Race competitor that you have won ‘The Ultimate Saloon Class / 3B or ‘The 1600 Saloon Class’ / 2 of the Irish Hillclimb / Sprint Championship.

Rally classes restructuring

One of the most requested changes has been to split 8v and 16v rally cars. We could not have the valve split plus all of the cc breaks as this would have resulted in too many classes. We have instead combined them in the following way:

1A – Bantam Saloon Class

Production / Modified saloons up to 1400cc.

Roadsters to 1400cc (eg MX5)

Rally cars up to 1650cc not more than 2 valves per cylinder.

As you can see above, we have a new place for Rally cars up to 1650cc with not more than 2 valves per cylinder. This allows for 8v rally cars below 1650cc to be in a more competitive class (in full rally trim), compared to previous years when they were competing directly with 16v 1650cc rally cars, in old class 8.

Class 8 – 2 Litre Rally Class

Rally cars up to 1650cc with more than 2 valves per cylinder.

Rally cars up to 2100cc with not more than 2 valves per cylinder.

We have left the ‘more than 2 valves per cylinder <1650cc’ in class 8. We have brought the ‘less than 2 valves per cylinder <2100cc’ rally cars ‘down’ from old class 9.

Class 9 – 3 Litre Rally Class

Rally cars 1651cc – 2100cc with more than 2 valves per cylinder.

Rally cars 2101cc – 3000cc with not more than 2 valves per cylinder.

Again leaving the ‘more than 2 valves per cylinder <2100cc’ cars in class 9, we have placed the ‘less than 2 valves per cylinder, <3000cc’ rally cars into this class 9 (they had previously been in the old 3B)

10 – Unlimited Rally Class

Rally cars over 2100cc with more than 2 valves per cylinder.

Rally cars over 3000cc with not more than 2 valves per cylinder.

All 4WD rally cars.

This new class allows, for the first time, the top end of rally cars to compete in their own class and not in with extremely modified 3B cars.

Part III – The Future

We hope it is evident that much research, consideration and energy have been put into this project, over many months. The very many factors which are involved in maintaining, promoting and growing our sport have been taken into account. An approach to classes cannot be summed up in one sentence or in a brief comment – it requires explanation and documentation, which this accompanying document should provide.

It is the intention of the committee that the regulations should remain unchanged for at least four seasons from 2017 to 2020 inclusive; as stability and predictability are seen as desirous for all and as prerequisites for encouraging new blood. This objective presumes that the regulations prove to be the workable compromise anticipated. If this belief is challenged by adverse experience or other, then further tuning may be required. This will only be considered as a last resort. Future committees are respectfully requested to note and abide by the ethos and principles stated.


Please read the accompanying document, which shows the 2017 definitions and classes, lists recent competitors by class and giving examples of cars covered under each definition.










