It is with great regret that we announce that the Limerick Hillclimb weekend has been cancelled by the directors of Limerick Motor Club. The reasons cited are historically poor entries for its Hillclimb weekend and in the current climate it is felt that this problem may become more acute. The club did not arrive at this decision lightly but they are looking to regroup and put all the efforts into another project for 2011.

The Hillclimb committee have met and discussed this situation and are in the process of attempting to find a substitute event to be included into the Hillclimb Championship. If one can be found all registered Championship competitors will be notified as soon as possible.

We ask all competitors to please put in their entries to events in a timely fashion. The current trend by competitors in submitting late entries and even entering on the day is very unfair on the organising clubs. If we as competitors are expecting clubs to run events for us we must have entries in by the closing date. Clubs are not obliged to accept late entries without penalty.

If any competitor knows of a car or driver that is eligible for Hillclimbing please encourage them to compete. They will be more than welcome in a friendly and social atmosphere. The committee is currently looking at ways to encourage the owners of older cars that may not be as competitive as they once were to come and compete again on the hills. Any views on ways to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.