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It is a no brainer, Hans Devices save lives and keep people out of wheelchairs, they work.

We drive some of the quickest cars in the country, up some of the most demanding bits of road and yet it is not mandatory to wear a Hans Device unlike other disciplines in Irish Motorsport

To this end the Irish Hillclimb & Sprint Committee would like to persuade, cajole, entice and maybe even bully you into purchasing a Hans Device for this year’s championship.

To help all registered hillclimbers, we have secured heavy discount on all Hans Devices with Eoin in Murray Motorsport.  Please contact Eoin for details and prices, only registered competitors can avail of this offer.

To further help you financially with a purchase a free dinner dance/prize giving ticket will be awarded to every driver who has purchased a Hans Device.

Please, Please, Please avail of this offer now, it is your neck, it is your life and it is your decision.


Rory Stephens.