PROMOThe Entry List for the Cultra Hillclimb 2014, on the 14th June, reached its 100 capacity at the weekend and with two weeks still to go to the Official Closing Date the Thoroughbred Sports Car Club(NI) organisers have opened a Reserve List.

TSCC President and Cultra Event Co-ordinator William Heaney commented :-
“This is the second year that we’ve been over-subscribed for this non-championship competition within the Cultra Event at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum. It’s unprecedented for a Northern Ireland speed event to have this level of interest, so we must be doing something right! After all, Cultra is just a fun day out for competitors, display participants and Museum visitors and we are really flattered by this continuing level of support”.

282 (2)The 2014 theme of ‘Minis, Mods and Monsters’ will reflect the spirit of the ’60s and celebrate the 1964 Monte Carlo Rally win of local hero Paddy Hopkirk with an Autotest Demonstration, a Display of Minis and cars representative of his long career. With over half the field in Modified Saloons and Sports Cars and half a dozen single-seaters, the Mods and Monsters are well represented.

The Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, TSCC’s Cultra Event Partners, will host a Vintage Fair in the historic Cultra Manor. Also in the Manor, the local Crossle Racing Car Co.will have a preview event for the new book about its history, “Hidden Glory” written by Plum Tyndall, due for publication in the Autumn. In addition, a group of Crossle sporting trials cars will give a demonstration of their highly specialised skills, in the Glen behind the Manor.

194 (2)For younger visitors to the Event, and their parents, their will be an Exhibition by the STEM Programme and Displays by ‘Formula Student’ UUJ Racing and ‘F1 in Schools’ Team Nero.